Monday, September 29, 2008

Are you a NEW member?

We just need a bit more information from you.

If you wish to mail a printable form please follow the instructions at our website:


Along with your payment please copy and paste the following into your email program. Fill in the requested information and email to Roberta at

Mr or Mrs First and Last Name (Please indicate if STUDENT)

Mailing Address

Postal Code

Home Telephone

Business Telephone

Email address






We provide a public membership list which includes your name, phone number, website or blog, and location (city only). If you do NOT wish to be included in this list please put an ‘X’ in the NO column.

As a member, would you be open to volunteer opportunities such as helping with a phone tree, show set up and tear down, delivering flyers, managing information booths or donation boxes at shows, assisting directors with show events, hosting a workshop, giving a demo, writing articles, or even a position on the board of directors?

Communication with members is primarily by email. If you are unable to receive email notifications or our newsletter please indicate this by placing an ‘X’ in the NO box.

We will then refer your phone number to our Phone List.

Questions? Phone Roberta Twaddle 705-385-8720 or email

Please drop your application into North Art Supplies in Huntsville or mail to Roberta Twaddle

150 Bridgedale Rd. RR2, Port Sydney, Ontario, P0B 1L0.

Enclose a cheque for $40.00 per member or $10.00 per student payable to the “Huntsville Art Crowd”.


Huntsville Art Crowd Membership Application PG 2 of 2

*The Huntsville Art Crowd would like to promote you and your work with website presence in the form of a blog site!

If you do not already have a blog site please follow the instructions below:

A blog is a web page which offers the choice of interacting with visitors. Our goal is to give every member their own identifying blog page linked to a new website for the Huntsville Art Society which will be unveiled during a gala party and press release.

We need just 3 things from each member sent to :

1. Layout

Please choose your layout:

"Minima Black" -- example:

"Minima Lefty" -- example:

"Rounders 3" -- example:

2. ABOUT the Artist

Please email a bio or artist statement to or hit reply to this email.

If you are not sure what to write simply google "artist bio" or "artist statement" and use other artist's writings as a guide to create your own.

3. Images

Send in 3-5 images

Here is what we will also include on your page:

  1. Artist Name
  2. Medium
  3. Contact Information: Phone Number, Email, Location (town or city only unless specified otherwise)
  4. Link to your website (if available)
  5. Link to Huntsville art Society
  6. Link to the Open Studio Blog
  7. Muskoka A Designated Arts Community Badge
  8. Huntsville Art Society Blogger Badge (similar to Huntsville Art Crowd blogger badge)
  9. Copyright notice
  10. Follower Gadget

We will then send you the web address (url) to your blog, the sign in information, and simple instructions on changing your password.

This blog site is then yours to keep, arrange or add to as you wish.

You may also use it to post your thoughts, activities or news, or to leave it simply as a contact page through the Huntsville Art Society website.

Two high school students will assist us over the summer in setting up the blogs, utilizing their required volunteer hours for graduation.

Benefits to a Blog:

  1. Blogging is FREE
  2. You have the all important web presence, allowing you to share your work with interested friends, family, artists or buyers no matter where they are in the world.
  3. CONNECT with potential customers, colleagues, news media, art supporters
  4. Share one’s expertise and knowledge with a larger audience
  5. Creating a large vibrant blogging community and all the benefits that brings, can do nothing but add to the interest of the area internally as well as externally.
  6. You can use your blog address on your business cards if you do not have a website.

See other member blogs at

We hope you will find this new service beneficial and enjoyable.


Blog Archive